When You Have a Full Life it's Easy to De-Prioritise Your Wellbeing.

But When You do, Everything Starts to Feel Heavier.

The Practice supports you to care for yourself in a simple and profound way, so you're able to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and create more ease and spaciousness in your life.

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When You Have a Full Life it's Easy to De-Prioritise Your Wellbeing.

But When You do, Everything Starts to Feel Heavier.

The Practice supports you to care for yourself in a simple and profound way, so you're able to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and create more ease and spaciousness in your life.

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Picture This…

Think about how wonderful it would be to have more energy, so everything felt lighter and more easeful. 

To experience more joy in everyday moments because self-love and acceptance have become your natural way of thinking, and being.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a practice that made it easy to prioritise your wellbeing, even during your busiest weeks.

Imagine how it would feel to get to the end of another busy day knowing you showed up fully for yourself AND others.

That you gave your time and attention generously and still made time to nourish yourself.

It’s time to make this your reality.

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Because you deserve to feel the joy of living the life you’ve worked so hard to create.

When you're stressed and distracted, it's almost impossible to enjoy the amazing life you've created for yourself. The goodness of your outer world just doesn't translate to your inner experience.

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Hi, I'm Nicola

I understand exactly what it feels like when you don't make the time to prioritise taking care of yourself. 

I used to really struggle with this after I had my 2nd daughter.

With over 300 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, including yoga for the stress response, I can teach you the super simple method I use to make it easy to show up for yourself consistently. So you have the energy to enjoy the amazing life you’ve created.

Introducing ‘The Practice’

The Simple Way to Feel in Flow

The Practice is an online yoga membership that makes it easy to prioritise your well-being through a radically undemanding and profound approach to yoga.

Where you commit to doing the same 30-minute practice at least twice per week for one month.

Our members consistently report that the simplicity of this approach makes stepping onto their mat easy to commit to, and has been instrumental in making yoga a non-negotiable part of their routine.

In giving yourself the gift of dedicating one whole month to go deeper into each yoga practice, your experience becomes increasingly more meditative and grounding each time the sequence is repeated.

Over time and with consistency, you’ll develop an unshakable centre that carries you through the day-to-day, empowering you to meet life’s challenges and joys with presence and peace.


3  Powerful and Transformative Steps...

Step One:

Begin Your Personal Practice

Start your personalised practice by choosing the correct breathwork practice and the level of yoga (beginner's or intermediate) that's right for you.

Then press play and get started!

Step Two:

Get Support to go Deeper

Get personalised support to modify and move deeper into the poses.

Inside the private hub, you'll find short videos on how to modify the most common poses.

PLUS you can ask for advice and support on any poses you like by submitting questions for our monthly Q&A

So, whether you’re an absolute beginner or a seasoned yogi, you can be sure you're practising safely and in a way that feels good to you.

Step Three:

Lean into the Supportive Community

When you spend much of your time giving to others, you need a soft landing place for yourself. In our private online community, I will hold space for you.

There’s also something truly magical about surrounding yourself with people who have the same goals as you… In The Practice Inner Circle, we lift each other up and cheer each other on.

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I am totally converted to Nicola’s approach to yoga and am now practising 3-4 times per week.

It's made a huge impact on my flexibility, strength, health, well-being and how I manage all other areas of my life.

Katy Henry

After many attempts at trying yoga over the years, I’ve finally found a way of making it all work for me. 

I’m proud of myself for finally being able to stick with something that I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.

Anne MacIntosh


Inside The Practice Hub

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One-Time Payment



  • Your personalised yoga video each month
  • Bitesize videos that support you to modify and go deeper into your practice
  • Monthly Q&A's so you never feel stuck
  • Weekly accountability
  • Access to The Practice Inner Circle community
  • BONUS: powerful guided meditations
  • BONUS: yoga sessions - including mini yoga retreats and a 6-month prenatal yoga course
  • BONUS: live 7-day monthly wellbeing 'challenges'


6 Monthly Payments



  • Your personalised yoga video each month
  • Bitesize videos that support you to modify and go deeper into your practice
  • Monthly Q&A's so you never feel stuck
  • Weekly accountability
  • Access to The Practice Inner Circle community
  • BONUS: powerful guided meditations
  • BONUS: yoga sessions - including mini yoga retreats and a 6-month prenatal yoga course
  • BONUS: live 7-day monthly wellbeing 'challenges'

Satisfaction Guarantee

  • 30-Day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.
  • PLUS if, after 6 months of practising 2+ times per week, you don't experience a noticeable improvement in how you feel and respond to stress, I will work with you for free until you do.
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Frequently Asked Questions

When you’re finally able to make your wellbeing a priority:

  • You cultivate a deeper connection with yourself.
  • Self-love and acceptance become your natural way of thinking, and being.
  • Everything feels lighter and more easeful.
  • You continue to grow and feel more content in your day-to-day life.
  • You become more intentional with how you spend your time.
  • You experience more joy in your day-to-day life.
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Continuing to Neglect Yourself Will Only Lead You to Feel Even More Stressed and Distracted.

But when you make time to take care of yourself, other things in your life that you've previously been stressing about begin to take care of themselves, too.

The Practice supports you to care for yourself in a simple and profound way, so you're able to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and create more ease and spaciousness in your life.

If you're ready to build new habits that will support you in taking better care of yourself, click the button below to sign up for The Practice today.

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I used to get so stressed and worried over work that I'd take it out on my family...  I felt like I couldn't slow down and I'd get upset or angry with everyone.

Now, I'm able to relax a lot quicker and forget work in the evenings.

Being able to practice yoga at least twice a week makes me feel much more balanced. 

I'm a nicer wife and mum. And I love carving out some time to myself, which I now do guilt free!! 

Rebecca Guest

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